Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sweet Lemonade Evangelism Turned Slightly Sour

We headed down to the Pier to pass out Lemonade and see if anyone needed a prayer. We divided up into Guys vs Girls and the Girls gave out the most Lemonade!

Everything was going perfectly until the Houtz van didn't want to go home. The Boss van gave it a jump and we thought we were off on our way... but the stubborn Houtz van only made it to the Seaward Exit. We all made it back and a tow truck took the van to the shop.
Maureen, Natalie, Sara, Norah, Eileen, Andrew, Ryland and Zach hanging out in the parking lot
Let the Juice flow... and we are running... for a little while at least...

1 comment:

maureenh said...

Our girls were bold and gracious as we handed out lemonade. The kids handled the "emergency" well. the tow truck driver was quick. The repair was only the battery. All in all God was good to us.